Meet the rider Zsófia Szabó

Meet Zsófia Szabó - Team - Andy Schelck-CP NVST-Immo Losch
Zsófia Szabó rides for the talented Andy Schelck-CP NVST-Immo Losch continental cycling team. Zsófia first race was the tough Belgium classic Dwars Door Vlaanderen. We caught up with Zsófia to find out more about her early season calendar.
After a challenging winter break with surgery and sickness Zsófia was still feeling positive about her first race of the season. With good sensations on the day Zsófia immediately went for the attack and with four other riders they lasted to about 20km to go after working well as a group. Positive signs and nice to get some race mile in the legs. On the day It was about 10 degrees and Zsófia choose to wear her pro custom bib shorts and short sleeve jersey. The bib shorts were extremely comfortable and perfect for a long day in the break. Finished with some colourful socks to add a little style.
The second race was Volta Limburg where the riders had to fight with extreme weather conditions, it was rainy, snowy, sunny and windy. The team worked well together and tried to help each other but the cold made it very hard. Thankfully the CCN Sport long sleeve gabba arm and leg warmers helped Zsófia to survive a very tough day in the saddle.

The last one was Scheldeprijs, a race Zsófia was most looking forward to. It started to rain before the race so once again Zsófia's clothing of choice was the CCN Sport long sleeve gabba (A very useful clothing item during the spring races). The race was very hectic and with 20km before the end Zsófia crashed on a section of cobblestones. She continued to race but unfortunately with a bike change a few minutes later it made it impossible to get back to the peloton. Also some of Zsófia teammates were involved in a crash further on in race which made made it a very challenging day for the team. As whole the team were a bit disappointed but it has given Zsófia and the team more motivating to come back next year and aim for bigger results in the spring classics.
For now the season is only just getting going and Zsófia is excited for the next block of races.
You can follow Zsófia on Instagram to see what races she will be competing in and to see what her choice of CCN Sport Custom clothing is for her upcoming races.
Follow @zsofi_szabo97